GPU supports aren't cutting it ( for whatever reason ). Big graphics card, works find when I lay the box on its side, but when I set it upright it looses connection in the slot. I've now purchased four gpu supports and tried hundreds of times, making little adjustments then trying again, little adjustments trying again, etc etc. However I try it still fails to hold the connection when box is vertical. Frustrated to wits end, I'm considering going with a vertical mount but would rather not ( also not sure if it'll fit ), but does anyone have any other ideas?
Look what you did, no one noticed this thread was from 2018
Poor guys GTX 1080 probably looks like a banana now
Probably should use TPU in the normal vertical orientation and have started your own thread, but at least it is the same topic
1. Line the card up correctly, and tighten the screws fully. Hold the card in place as you do so, those screws are meant to help here.
3. Run the PCI-E cables from *above* the card not below, and they'll pull it up instead of push down.
2. Use whatever to hold it up from underneath. I use a dog doing a poo.
(You'll notice I've ignored my #2 advice here, that's because i've got lian li strimers coming in, and I saw no point wiring the stock ones up)
I edited the order of numbers above so #2 was the poop. Cause I'm hilarious.