Just an idea here. Since the 38mm thick fan space is basically unoccupied in the PC realm now, what about reviewing a 120x38mm Delta PWM 12V (AFB1212SHE for example) fan to see if any of the 25mm or 30mm fans come close in performance to see how much we are missing?
As someone who deals with those Delta fans all day every day, it would be ugly (for the Deltas)
They are designed solely for airflow, which is the exact opposite of PC fans which are designed for quietness.
Everyone knows you can get phenomenal cooling by running a 120mm fan at 6000rpm, regardless of other details. The real question is whether you'd want to be in the same room as such a fan. There's a reason datacentres provide earplugs to any poor techs that need to service/intstall/remove/replace anything.
25mm fan frames are where the consumer PC compatilbility lies, which is why 99.x% of all fans target that size and why most of the design and research efforts go for 25mm thick. I would also like to see more effort put towards noise-normalised performance at 30mm, 38mm etc - but it's such a tiny niche that we're barely even scratching the surface with stuff like the Phanteks T30.