There is an etiquette for doing public appreances, talks, training. Especially for public showcases. Your goal is to be respectful to everyone and not offend anyone. This clearly does.
This a message that Intel isn't capable of picking right people for right tasks again. Not mentioning again this whole show is about nothing.
Welcome to the world, it ain't a small sandbox of your values, you have to consider others, not only you. If something is a miss, maybe pass the torch to someone else for public stunts.
This goes both ways you know
You are at liberty to feel however you want to feel about this guys' hat. He's at liberty to make a statement, whatever that is here, btw, I don't know... by wearing a hat. Maybe next time someone wears a My little Pony jumpsuit, it would make that presentation radically different too. Compare how you would respond to that, relative to this hat, and maybe things will clear up a little.
I feel not wholly different as you when someone wears a hat indoors, but yeah. Reasons, complicated, social interactions... its good to tread carefully, because if we reflect on that, all that is, is what we've been taught, is it really relevant is another question. In other cultures perhaps hat wearing isn't frowned upon so much, and since corporate is mighty inclusive these days, well.