Thanks for the review!
The price is bonkers. It's completely unreasonable. There's nothng this card is worth the additional $200 increase. The MBA cards used to have vastly superior vapor chamber (the bad batch of 7900 series was quickly fixed), as well as PCB and components, for much cheaper, than even cheapest AIBs, with inferior PCB design.
And the magnet fans are not giving any benefit, outside the questionable servisability. The sound profile is atrocious, the cooling is not impressive. Also, the card for this price, lacks the PCI 3slot bracket, shich easilly could be added, for better support.
The only plus, is that it has the three 8pin connectors, instead of 12v 2x6. But at this point, it should just had two of them, and stock clocks, to be simultaneously cheaper, and cooler, and quieter.
I bet it's sensors being more accurate than in previous generations on top of a much higher heat density which makes resistance futile. PTM7950 won't do jack.
The nice and bad sides of PTM7950, is that it gains it's "cooling" properties with time. The more it's being used, the more it will bring the temperatures down.
On top of this, this is the worst cooler out of all of the 9070XTs tested so far.
Looks like. But this card is also pushed the clocks towards insanity. Every 9070XT at this point, have clocks pushed long beyond the point of reasonability. These +10% of additional OC, over "XFX applied" one +170/+130MHz stock/boost, are moot. It's not worth the temps and power consumption increase for any AIB card, over AMD's "reference" clocks, which are also under big question. That's why I wrote multiple times, that Sapphire could just make Nitro+ with two slot cooler, and two 8pin connector, with potential of "reasonable" OC.
That's peoples own fault nobody is forcing to buy these stupid expensive gpus. Every single person who bought RX 9070 XT for more than 720$/€ is guilty the same applies to all new gpus. These stupid decisions are wrecking whole gpu market similar situation was when people where buying RTX 4060 Ti 16GB, RTX 4070/4070Ti, RTX 4080 in big numbers for stupid prices.
As if all of the buyers were in the dire need of the VGA... some of them,
might have came from previous gen AMD/nVidia. So the people who have already waited for almost a decade, or more, have to wait forever.
Also, the prices are and were set by the the AI/crypto "value", not by their MSRP or BOM. That's why not buying is also not really an option, because AI dudes would buy out the entire stock, even from the scalpers.