the54thvoid Jul 8, 2023 Of note folks, arg-ist hasn't been active on TPU since 2021. You might not want to wait for replies.
P P paardmachine23 Mar 24, 2021 hi, could you send me the the corel design file for the cosmo 2 side panel? Kind regards ^^
S S Skull66 Oct 23, 2020 Hi Arg-ist I would appreciate if you could send me the Corel files for this mod, Thanks in advance.
M M malbach Jul 27, 2020 hi, can i also have the corel design file for the cosmo 2 side panel? i just bought a used cosmos 2. its huge
hi, can i also have the corel design file for the cosmo 2 side panel? i just bought a used cosmos 2. its huge
L L Lele333 May 27, 2020 hi, can i also have the corel design file for the cosmo 2 side panel? I wish I could see the inside of the computer with all the mods that I put on it. my email is: xxxxxx
hi, can i also have the corel design file for the cosmo 2 side panel? I wish I could see the inside of the computer with all the mods that I put on it. my email is: xxxxxx
thanks, my email is