Feeling a bit excited because our area might be getting SNOW early next week!! Even though I'm from California (where the Sierras are located) I've never actually experienced a snow event before...So I'm getting kinda giddy hehe
My mom had to put her dog down last night after she found him coughing up clots of blood. I went with her to the emergency vet. I cried more than I thought I would. But the little "heifer", as I affectionately called him, is in a better place now, free of the ailments that plagued him and lowered his quality of life. RIP little guy
I might be breast cancer free, but I'm still feeling the pain from my treatment. Having to consider a smaller/lighter case for my rig as a result. Can't really move the Evolv X around anymore, as it's simply too heavy.
With the addition of the new Basilisk V3* to my Razer menagerie (where a Deathadder V2 Mini and Viper Mini also reside), I think it's safe to say that I'm officially a part of the Sneki Snek Cult, lol.
*The V2 was thought to be the G502 Killer, but the V3 said "hold my beer" and "bitch you thought!" and...yeah, G502 who? Don't know dat bitch
I think I have a PC part buying addiction, y'all. Couldn't pass up the B550 PG Velocita I saw on Amazon, brand spankin' new, for $150 buckaroos. That's around the same price I paid for that used one in January! Anyway, send help yo! xD
When it comes to PC parts, I have high-end taste and not much else, lol. I look at these boards (and pretty much anything else) that I can't buy because I'm unable to work (so no income) and I can't ask family for stuff like this because they're all tired of my "computer crap". Can't really ask other people for help either, because then I feel like an even bigger PoS than I already do.
So tell me something, ya'll. Would I be crazy to sell my 1660 Super and use my "ancient" Sapphire R9 280X (Tri-X) GPU until GPU prices and such come back down to Earth?
Got my 1st COVID shot yesterday, woo! Arm has been hurting something awful since last night and sleeping was...interesting. Feeling a bit tired and sore still.