Hi Ket, I'm a fan of yours. I've bookmarked several of your threads over at xtremesystems.org.
I have a question in regards to your somewhat recent review of the Sapphire HD5830. I see that you removed the heatsink assembly and I wanted to know if it was possible to remove the plastic shroud without compromising the mounting of the fan. I can tell from looking at my own Sapphire HD5830 that I would need to remove the entire heatsink assembly to get at the plastic shroud but I'm not clear on whether the fan mounts to the plastic shroud or the heatsink. My belief is that by removing the plastic shroud I can get better airflow over the heatsink (because my case has 7x120mm fans). Anyway, thanks for any information you can provide. I'd rather not go through the business of pulling the whole assembly off if I can't accomplish what I want.