Binge, your name came up in a thread I posted about getting something from Microcenter shipped to me in NH. Looking for an Ivy CPU. Haven't decided on a 3570k or a 3700k (still!)
hey binge this DFI have you ever had a problem with it conforming to XMP? I cant get it to run at my rams rated it keeps manually locking the uncore at a high multi. which isnt an issue. I add some voltage and it boots at 2000mhz but the timings are way off jdec and when i go into the bios to change them the system refuses to post
Watch out man. Mailman has a longer pee stream than anyone here. A match with him and you'll end up with your leg wet.
WTF does that mean?
Definetly makes an interesting read, but its still a bit too much in the science stage to be news atm, requiring in the region of -273*C to operate, lol. Maybe once we have so comparitive figures to todays processors we can post something. Cheers.
Yeah so does my 4870x2 I just really like the looks of the evga red ed. Coming out it would look dead sexy with my bloodrage and red watercooling lines/cosmos s and orange monitor.