One of the Best finals day, EVER! The only time I was more excited was in '76. That year my school, Richfield, went to the Finals. They lost to Grand Rapids. It was the second GR's Championship, in a row. A mighty achievement, that is very hard to do. Anyways, it is time for bed. Good Night TPU!!
Just got home from work, uneventful, where I watched the finals of the MN State High School Hockey tournament. Both games were great, single a and double a. Both were nail biters to the end. First game went to overtime, single A, and the second game was 7 to 6!! The Double A game was won by...
Day 2, in the books.....Good Night TPU! BTW, I am feeling much better. I have burned through, whatever I had, and I am feeling fine. Good Night TPU! :sleep:
I am hoping to just get a prescription for some antibiotics and kill whatever is causing this UPI, or respiratory infection, in layman's terms. At least I hope that's all it is! Meanwhile, I am gonna watch some YT and hit the sack. Good Night TPU! :lovetpu:
I just now found my Primary Care DR.'s card, I looked for it this morning before I left. Turns out, it was right where I had put it, magneted to the fridge. I must have looked right at it and didn't see it. Anyway, I will call him in the morning and try to set up an appointment for Wed. That...
I went to the VA this morning. I have been very short of breath, and feeling weak, since my debilitating Flu ended. It's going on 2 weeks, now, that I have been feeling this way. I got there just before 11 am. got my vitals checked around 12:30. At 1:50 I still hadn't been called so, I checked...
Went to the Chiropractor this morning. My neck had been bothering me, and I could not get it unstuck. It was a mildly painful adjustment, but it is worlds better. Hopefully it stays free and I won't have to return anytime soon. But, once in a while it will take a couple adjustments to get things...
Had a 16 hour day, yesterday, slept a straight 6 1/2 hours, before I had to get up and pee. Then slept another 2 1/2 hours. That 6, plus, stint was a long one! I am usually up every 2 to 3 hours for a bathroom break. Anyhow, feel good now and only have 1 more 8 hour shift, today. That 8 hours of...
Yeah, really not in the mood for frostbite, today. Or, ever, really! LOL. I might walk home because the wind is supposed to calm down, later ( place shuts at 8). We'll see how it goes. Ok, off to get ready, wish me luck!
Well it's a cold and windy day today!! Wind gusts up to 40 mph with wind chills below zero. I am gonna get layered up and hit the cafe, but, I will probably not walk there. I can take the train, one stop, and it drops me 2 1/2 blocks away. Rather than an uphill walk for a 1/2 mile, downtown...
Or, I might just put my robe on, do some laundry, and open up a bottle of wine . Enjoy a few glasses while youtubing between loads. IDK, Laundry, yes...anything else? TBD. :cool: