@FlanK3r There is the small difference of being able to overclock the single core speed below a certain amp draw and then seemlessly change the overclock to multithreaded clocks i.e. whatever you set for ccx1/ccx2 manually (or default):
I don't think this is a replacement for a hard drive, but I didn't see a test focussed on read performance. I see this as an SMR like SSD for archival purposes clearly has nothing to offer as an OS drive.
I got 32GB ram but I didn't know it would come in handy capacity wise. I have started using gimp with a bit more technical knowhow but not enough to know exactly which filter I want to use, so I keep my tests for comparison. I have allowed Gimp to use 75% of my ram and it does. I have 5500+...
In reply to "what do you guys think"? I've got a little experience with RAM overclocks with M2Z3600c18 Corsair Vengence Pro RGB 2 x8GB and 4 x8GB Patriot Viper Steel 4400. Everything was a mystery while I blindly followed the recommendations of the calculator. When I needed to really get...
Use memtest for dos before loading windows when RAM overclocking. I use test #7 exclusively, it takes less than 5min. Just as a precaution so I don't do what happened to you.
I recommend you follow the written guide from the author of the tool you're using:
Try auto all settings for any setting in the tool. It shows you how important procODT is when u can go from 11 errors to...
No I have not installed it yet. I have slipstreamed an SSD and I believe I've copied my important appdata and my document folders (alot of programs are installed on spinning rust and survive reinstalls (also backup my start menu and use classic shell). I've not encountered any issues with the...