Swamp Thing
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Koolance PC3-725BK Black Liquid Cooled Case
Asus P5ND2-SLI Deluxe Motherboard
P4 3.2Ghz L2 Cache (Liquid Cooled)
2Gb DDR2 Corsair Ram
2 BGF 7800GTX OCs in SLI (Liquid Cooled)
Sound Blaster XFI Fatality
Maxtor 200Gb 7200RPM HD
PC Power and Cooling Turbo Cool 510W (650 Max) PSU
Sony DVD-RW Drive
Sony DVD Drive
Floppy Drive
Koolance CPU and GPU cooling blocks
Fluid XP UV Reactive Non-Conductive coolant
2 Ultra 12" UV Lights
2 4" Green Cathodes
Orange UV Reactive IDE and Floppy Cables
Its kinda messy, but I have a hell of a lot of stuff crammed in there.

Koolance PC3-725BK Black Liquid Cooled Case
Asus P5ND2-SLI Deluxe Motherboard
P4 3.2Ghz L2 Cache (Liquid Cooled)
2Gb DDR2 Corsair Ram
2 BGF 7800GTX OCs in SLI (Liquid Cooled)
Sound Blaster XFI Fatality
Maxtor 200Gb 7200RPM HD
PC Power and Cooling Turbo Cool 510W (650 Max) PSU
Sony DVD-RW Drive
Sony DVD Drive
Floppy Drive
Koolance CPU and GPU cooling blocks
Fluid XP UV Reactive Non-Conductive coolant
2 Ultra 12" UV Lights
2 4" Green Cathodes
Orange UV Reactive IDE and Floppy Cables
Its kinda messy, but I have a hell of a lot of stuff crammed in there.
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