Get back to a stable state with 8.9 or 8.10 drivers....then disable crossfire
disable crossfire
disable crossfire
just to be safe.....disable crossfire it now...disable crossfire
Install the latest .net versions, chipset drivers, windows service packs, c++ runtimes, directX redistributables if you really feel you must - optional
Dump all registry references and files that have anything to do with ati from you computer if you feel you must (standard vga drivers) - optional
Install the 8.11 "driver ONLY" package (the suite will probably work as well but I haven't tried it).
Read the install log to make sure everything was successful.
Restart the will blue screen at the normal logon.
Goto safe mode using the F8 key before windows loads.
In safe mode, right click "computer" (on the start menu or desk top) and select "Manage"
Expand "services and applications"and Click "services"
Listed on the right is all the services....find the ATI External Event Utility....right click and select "properties"
Stop the service if necessary and change the startup type from automatic to disabled.
Restart the computer and do what ever it is you people do with your computers
Yes thats're now up and running again. You traveled round the world a dozen times to take one step to the side.
WARNING: your system will now be fully operational and you can install the ccc kit if you like. This will be fully functional but you have to restart for crossfire enable/disables to take effect.....and thats the cause of the problem in a round about way. If you benchmark now, your 3dmark06 scores will be 500-1000 points down with the event utility disabled. You can now switch the utility back on and your marks will instantly rise 500-1000 points. When utility is disabled ccc takes ages to load up. When utility enabled ccc loads rapidly. BUT IF YOU HIT THE CROSSFIRE BUTTON WITH EVENT UTILITY RUNNING.....YOU WILL INSTANTLY BLUE SCREEN! You can use any other feature of ccc including overclocking (overdrive) with the event utility enabled....but dont touch that crossfire button without stopping the utility first.