True that AMD would do it too but i fail to see the problem with x850 ? it was a very fast card at that time and had no hardware bug , if you pick on the shader problem and HDR wich couldn't be done completly , this is a hardware limitation not a serious design flaw like the
g80 320mb has , they did strongly said they can do HDR and they paid crytek to make a tech demo wich looked absoluetly awesome and they support even today HDR in source engine so it's more a developer choice how they wanted to do it , partially that looked just as well and worked even on x850 or full wich worked only on shader 3.0.
I didn't defend AMD , i just said i like this war and i hope they loose a lot of money , i dislike Nvidia's ways , i always stumble o some news about Nvidia picking on someone or blaming someone , they are always perfect , they are noisy and that have a spoiled attitude.
It's not their fault sales are bad , the partners are to blame ( and look how they run from them to ATI and hope Intel joins the party with some good stuff ) , they are 1 milion times faster than a CPU but wait , they still need it to emulate some stuff that the simple GPU can't do , the cpu is stil vital but to hell with it , let's bash intel who is 5-10 times bigger than us just to get some publicity about how great we are and pull stunts like the one with the myth busters.
If you think how much they abused Intel and the cpu bussines i'm amazed they didn't retaliate much earlier considering Intel has a reputation for being very ruthless , and i'm amazed how much their parteners (Nvidia's ) put up with Nvidia who always blames them and put the pressure on them to cut costs and cut prices at their expenses , no wonder they leave.
This kind of behaviour can be considered very hostile by intel and they take steps to eliminate the threat , what to do ? continue business with Nvidia while they bash a little the importance of CPU and how you don't need to buy a fast CPU and how great is the GPU that one day the CPU will be something like a soundcard or network card , it's very understandable what they do , they want to kill Nvidia but for now they content with them not making money from the chipset business.
And all this could've been avoided is Nvidia just shut up and mind their own problems or schemes , just pretend they are friends with intel and stab them in the back when you had all you wanted ( licenses or whatever ) , a company runed by stupid people that all they want is glory ( we are the best , we do , we can ..... ) and make noise.
Let's hope i'm not murdered by some Nvidia fanboy now

, i like Nvidia cards , I LOVE THEM
