I suspect most of you guys are adults, then why do we have a discussion about what the best console is? all three PS3/wii/xbox360 are consoles by defenition, although they are turning into media centers ( not a fan of that, ive got a PC for a reason).
Ive seen this back in the sega/nintendo days, and i always wonder why people have the urge to say that one is better than the other, its all personal opinion in the end, if you bought a xbox360 and are happy with it, why do you need to prove to the world its superior to everything else? why does it bug you that someone says PS3 is better? as long as you are happy with your purchase dont worry about what others say.
few factual things though.
Someone said gamecube has more performance than the PS2, and thats true, Capcom has to turn down the graphics for the resident evil 4 release on PS2 compared to gamecube.
You dont have to take that as insult, i love both my gamecube and PS2, and have no problem bringing out negative sides of any of those consoles.
The Wii like it or not is a console, and its more console than anything else on the market now, nintendo went the right way with innovation rather then only better graphics, also they were able to keep the price down this way.
I have a Wii, and it started out promesing with mario galaxy and zelda, but now there is so much crap on it....thats not the nintendo i remember.
I also have a PS3, solid stable system, has in my opinion the superior exclsusive games compared to xbox360( i wouldnt mind playing fable 2).
But both PS3 xbox360 have a general lack of quality games , most come out on the PC, so i rather play on that.
This generation of consoles has lost its way i feel, ive been a gamer since the mid 80s, and a die hard console gamer at that, it became very expensive, and games have gone down in quality.