Nothing above matters, The important thing here is that we are now going away from HORRIBLE graphic support on devices, seems like they're going away from it.
I just hope intel IGP is going out and dies forever, im sure, if i ever gotta use a intel igp laptop again, ima gonna have nightmares :S
But back to the box itself, linux, wouldnt be a issue if its A64 clock for clock. is it ? doubt.
Via nano dualcore + 780G or GF 9400 is the key ! not ATOM.
Amd Neo is my suggestions to all of you guys who complain about the net-tops, or mini-notebook, or whatever they want to call them.
Im 180 CM tall, 70 kilograms, pretty skinny, but after i had to set up EEE's to a firm, that was one day barely touching them, still had to fix my neck and everything after, and almost got anger issues cause of the slowness of those boxes.
Neo is still slow, but its miles away from Atom slowness, and it feats a good enough graphics card for its size.
those come with 12-13 " displays and are rather small, but sitting on 9" is a nightmare, and looking at powerconsumtion, powerfull laptops: 95W
EEE Pc ~50W.
Wait, what? quadcore laptop with SLI/CF setup uses 45 W more... hmm ? battery capacity rumour about EEE is also false, i couldnt have it on longer than 4 hours, which i also did on a laptop rated 75 W 4 years ago. while playing flash which consumes power.
I see nothing special in mini laptops, other than their improved mobility.
Intel got chips thats good, but they aint in a nice platform that suits us i personally think.
The atom series isnt something im impressed by, they got the worst effeciency compared to both AMD and VIA, why not made the chip to run 2W hotter, dev a colder chipset, and voila lower power consumtion with 30% more performance straight away, noo, too hard