Please do not draw conclusions from pure speculation guys... you can say all you want about how a GPU will perform based off its specifications but thats like saying a car with a larger engine should be faster.
All Charlie Demerjian is, is a speculative writer who's viewpoints seem to always slam nvidia. He comes up and expands on every point, to a huge extend, with the basis being absolutely nothing, apart from pure speculation for each factor he discusses about Nvidia. He seems to think that if the same happened before, the same will happen again, and doesn't realise what matters is not how something gets there, its what the actual thing does. Its like some fanboy bitching about how AMD got the 4850 to kill a GTX280, he says something like:
Nvidia chipmaking of late has been laughably bad. GT200 was slated for November of 2007 and came out in May or so in 2008, two quarters late. We are still waiting for the derivative parts. The shrink, GT206/GT200b is technically a no-brainer, but instead of arriving in August of 2008, it trickled out in January, 2009. The shrink of that to 40nm, the GT212/GT200c was flat out canceled, Nvidia couldn't do it.
AMD was even worse when it came to the HD2k series. He doesnt even mention anything about that. He doesnt even bother to mention the actual product itself. The Final product. Why would the fucking consumer give a shit about how something was developed, how long it took? Does it matter if the Larrabee is so "similar" to the GT300 when AMD also has a similar product, because if it does, then well its like saying that car companies should be ashamed for copying mercedes benz in the first place, wait no, most of the human race should be ashamed for copying the wheel off the original inventors! Bloody idiots, and biased rampant journalists like these should really step down. IF there was no "copying" we'd find that every company has a different graphics socket, with different memory chips, and finally a multitude of display outputs. All graphics cards are based off similar architectures, Cache (RAM, onboard cache), CPU (Core), input and output. I dont see other journalists slamming companies; its a standard. Yet we see charlie using a completely invalid argument that the standard affair of DX11 shader SIMD/MIMD units is "copying", and its "ironic".
He doesnt seem to realise that the consumer is more concerned about the product being useable. You are not the average consumer if you obssess about how something got there.
However if its something like invalidating the RoHS ratification, then by all means, please complain. Its these people who are indirect, and side with one side who cause so many problems for us.
Hope he reads this and rethinks his position.
Its idiotic bitching about the "arrogance" of a company. All it is is the image. Its not the substance. I do not give a fucking shit if the CEO has bad attitude. Why? Because we the consumer only get the END Product, judge off the END product, what you receive-note customer support count as well. See I will STILL buy intel's products despite their bad corporate profile. If you ask why I'd suggest rereading this line. Its not up to the consumer to condemn a company, unless they've caused you pain or something. Actual, tangible pain. Not "Zomfg intel uses fake cores im buying AMD" (disregards the fact that "fake core" CPUs perform better anyway). Some reason consumers prefer to go for the non-tangible assets of a product, instead of what it can actually do. I think that a lot of firms pride off this idiocracy, as well as "fanboism" one noteable exampme being gibson guitars.