Why not? People evaluate a product in it's entirety. While the branding didn't raise an eyebrow with me, it has with others.
No they don't. They evaluate based on the information they can get. People biased against the Fatality name are missing the forest for the trees. More importantly they are ignoring the pedigree of the company making the SSD and the fact they've given an estimate on their pricing months ago which is reflective of what we are seeing now.
I don't understand your reasoning. To me, the performance consumer market is the market that needs, or at least will benefit from this technology. MHD's have long since fallen behind cpu's and memory in terms of performance. In fact, I've been waiting since 1999 for this level of performance to come within reach of the consumer.
The performance enthusiast doesn't have a good idea of what they should want out of an SSD. Heck some people argue SSD OEMs don't even understand that well what they are selling hence the reason so many flopped for various reasons.
To put it more specifically. Let's look at the enthusiast who uses their machine primarily to play media only. Why does he suddenly need 500MB/s bandwidth and 250MB/s Burst reading when something cheaper like a Falcon will do the job well enough.
An enthusiast of this type should spend his money so that way he has money in reserve for better future upgrades.
Why? Even with a dedicated controller at say, $450, I still have another $445 to spend on SSD's. I get features such as being able to boot off it *now*, not when FusionIO decides to release the update.
With $600: ICH10R with six $100 SSD's

I can boot off it, have more space, and have more than an acceptable level of performance (ICH10R can move about 600MB/s). Latency will be slightly higher, but I'm spending $295 less.
Well we agree essentially I was just being sarcastic by pointing out if you are already raiding a bunch of platter drives to try and get better speed then you are wasting space, money and data integrity(especially in a Raid 0 setup) with an almost obsolete technology.
SSDs utilizing controllers of the Indilix, Samsung, Intel and now FusionIO variety make most reasons for the enthusiast to use HDs in raid pointless. Unless you are running a large enough filesharing/stream service server or have so little need for speed you only raid as perk and not as a mission then just move on to SSDs any SSD that doesn't use that shitty Jmicron controller (but don't write Jmicron off yet because they are trying to redeem themselves in their third attempt)
Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of direct PCIe based storage and will be moving towards it as soon as they release something that I feel is worth it. And I'm not trying to hate on you, just moving this thread away from some guy's gaming career and towards the product itself
Personally while I don't need it I find the ioXtreme compelling enough to consider it as part of my future build for a couple of reasons.
Sata III was just standardized recently so the chances of a motherboard I'll like supporting that new standard won't exist once I finally need to make my PC purchase. Since I'm trying to make a PC where many of the parts hold out well for 4-5 years, PCIe and SAS are the only alternatives after Sata II becomes saturated in the near future and I'm not as interested in getting a board that has SAS in it.
It really looks like bargain considering the company that is making it, how much it costs compared to the Intel X-25e, it uses SLC so it is guarantied to last a lot longer than MLC SSDs and so on. All I need to see are some appropriate benchmarks for the programming work I would be doing on this.