Just wanted to let people know that official ATI 5770 and 5750 slides have been leaked and the prices in USD are:
HD 5770 1GB GDDR5: $159
HD 5750 1GB GDDR5: $129
HD 5750 512MB GDDR5: $109
Thing is, XFX has jumped the gun and put the HD 5750 cooler on the HD 4870 (256-bit 512MB GDDR5) and is selling it for $125: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150441
HD 5770 1GB GDDR5: $159
HD 5750 1GB GDDR5: $129
HD 5750 512MB GDDR5: $109
Thing is, XFX has jumped the gun and put the HD 5750 cooler on the HD 4870 (256-bit 512MB GDDR5) and is selling it for $125: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150441