OK, here's my no sense, I mean two cents!! I work in distribution for the largest Hockey company on the planet! I run the returns dept there and have a pretty good understanding of how things work. There's actually an interesting video on YouTube made by Newegg about how orders are processed, they have quite the facility.
Now regarding those 300 boxed CPUs, chances are it was one skid/pallet worth of product wrapped up nice and tidy so to protect the product and keep the inside concealed until its put away in its storage then picking location. If it was a bogus shipment from the distributor, then the outside documentation is what was recorded upon receiving the product and a quick check of the pallet contents. I can't tell you the number Asian vendors that screw up wording 'ans' skus (<-I made a funny!) and then get charged back to them for the mistakes. We had to relabel thousands of units due to errors by the vendors at times.
Anyway, looking at Newegg's picking process, there is a bin with a barcoded sticker that contains the order info that travels along a conveyor and at a certain picking station, someone scans the bin and places the appropriate product in the bin and it continues along its way. If no one actually scans the product, then they won't know if there's an issue, assuming someone replenished that pick bin properly.
Like someone has pointed out, the amount of $$ in question here is in excess of $80K and at that point I think the Fed will investigate and we will see where it takes it. I did notice one seller on ebay selling a boatload of 920s for like $700 'buy it now', claiming they are guarenteed overclockers!! BOGUS! So that's my take on what "possibly" could have happened based on my experience in distribution.
For the record, I am currently building my 4th PC with parts purchased almost exclusively thru the Egg! I have never had to RMA a single item! If I did receive something that I didn't order, of course I'd be upset, but I'd contact them immediately to get it resolved. Do I expect them to give me a ticket to Willy Wonka's factory for my troubles or divulge information that may need to be kept quiet because of a possible investigation!? Hell no, just give me what I ordered so I can complete my build!!
Thanks to listening to my nonsense and have a great night!