who the hell voted a 7 need to get your head on straight. 10/10 from me.
MODS AND ADMINS get rid of that 7 please
Once again thanks heaps for showing such interest in my mod

But I think thats perfectly reasonable vote

Modding is subjective! I'm happy/grateful they took the time to look, and vote
I could write a list a mile long about all the faults with this PC, theres a lot I'm not happy with, but at the end of the day it is low budget 8 year old antique now. And The standard and professionalism in modding today is incredible. so I am overwhelmed by the high ratings
Part of what makes life good is that we all are unique individuals. We all look at things through different eyes, we all have our own tastes.. and have different things to offer. It's what has made modding what it is today. Modding is about an individual making her/his PC's personal

The same goes for voting... we all bring our own perspective. and this brings balance, which is cool
one of the issues with modding that has always been an problem is trying to find a “fair and balanced rating system”? How does one rate a mod? categorize it? eg. overall look ,Cable management, over-clocking grunt, latest greatest bling bling hardware,originality,concept/design,paintwork,attention to detail, project log, effort ..use of materials, dedication...etc .I'd hate to judge a modding competition. Most of these systems fail because like all areas in life not everything/everybody fits into a nice square box.
I think the TPU gallery has got it bang on money with gallery Structure! Rather than try to categorize how people should vote.It's left to the individual
The graph to display ratings is awesome It's easy to see the peoples who vote 1/10 just because than can,or out of jealousy,or trying to increase there rating...
My favorite feature is the "go to random case button"! Because I've gone threw so many galleries and some of the greatest mods/and inspirations have come from mods with very low ratings
thanks again