Ultra John, I didn't say that it was logical by any means, perhaps you should take it up with your company's tech support department. Perhaps you can ask them why when I tried to call to get an RMA for my dead power supply, and ask them about the parts that it killed with it, they told me that having more than one hard drive connected voids the warranty. I don't know what answer you will get, but my theory is it is because you company is willing to say anything it can to get out of honoring the warranty. Now granted, eventually after I got high enough up on the corporate ladder the power supply and my parts were eventually replaced, but I shouldn't have had to talk to the superviser of the superviser of the superviser before not hearing the crappy lines about what common uses of a power supply void the warrnaty.
Ultra John, it is obvious that you are paid to come here and defend the product, and I respect that. However, to call me a liar? Are you serious? I have absolutely no reason to lie, you on the other hand obviously would rather resort to slander than try and actually make a good name for yourself, but I get it, you are paid to do that. You hype the product on message boards, and anyone that disagrees with your or posts a story about their bad experiences with your company is a liar. It is cool, I understand how it works.
Oklahoma Wolf, again, I never addressed the actual power supplies, or the parts in them or the original manufactures. My issues are with the service recieved after they fail. I label a product by the company that that labels it and how they stand by their products. Ultra(and Hiper since you brought it up) do not stand by their products. It is a complete hassle to try and get anything replaced when it dies. In the case of Ultra they actually resort to trying to screw their customers, there are a lot of people that would have just accepted the warranty being void line. I have to admit, it is actually a great method if you want to screw customers. Every time someone calls they feed them a line about the warranty being void. If the person accepts it that is great, they don't have to replace the power supply and another customer gets screwed, job well done. If they don't then they pass them up to the next level who confirms the warranty is indeed void and so on until you finally get high enough that they realize you aren't retarded and they finally take care of you. In the case of Ultra it is about the 4th level that they give up and finally replace their failed part.