Because the future of CPUs will be in GPU tech. But it just isn't mature yet. These APUs are the beginning. Heck if Intel had it's way and the performance ceiling wasn't hit, we'd all be still using single cores. Intel said Mhz was everything at one time, others warned it wasn't. Intel hits the wall, then backtracks and goes back on that statement. Favoring multiprocessor options.
I see the same thing happening with x86 CPU hardware. Intel is throwing its weight behind it's CPUs, which while good, will get overtaken eventually as APU tech advances. The one thing Intel did better this time around was prepping a counter with Sandybridge. But if AMD presses all out on APU tech and Intel doesn't advance it's IGP technologies, they will be left behind.
The day Intel develops it's own GPUs that can compete with NV/AMD's midrange boards, they'll become a threat to APUs. That also means they need the drivers to back it up.