To view this case mod, go here.
I forgot to add this case for you. This was my case before Cosmos. Not so big changes, but it look really nice for my eyes!
Asus Sabertooth
Intel 2500K + Corsair H50 @ 4,5ghz
4GB Dual Kit Corsair 1600mhz
Gigabyte GTX460 OC
WD 500gb
Corsair VX450W

I forgot to add this case for you. This was my case before Cosmos. Not so big changes, but it look really nice for my eyes!
Asus Sabertooth
Intel 2500K + Corsair H50 @ 4,5ghz
4GB Dual Kit Corsair 1600mhz
Gigabyte GTX460 OC
WD 500gb
Corsair VX450W
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