at least.... he was an honest politician?!
then he went on how sites abused the power they have to fight legislators.... am i going nuts or is there some kind of contradiction between the above quoted and his later claim? cuz i would think the media is abusing its power of legislators too...... right?!!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!?!
why does the media want to get these laws in order, simple, to take away the ability to get their stuff for free so there MIGHT be a slight increase in profits (slight is reasonable, anything beyond that is just blatant craziness with the world economy as it is now), but lets not fool our selves, would that slight increase in profit warrant all that? or the ability to sue others like "other" companies do now and get fat faaaat profit?
i honestly dont remember the last time i downloaded a new song... old yes, but new? hell no, checking some on youtube but that is as far as i will go, they are not worth it, gaming.... going mmorpg now, and old ones only, movies... too disappointed to go to cinema and even when i download them for free, i watch them while multitasking... honest /sigh at what is supposed to be entertainment nowadays.
You don't get it.
The idea isn't profits.
Profits are just a semi-reasonable argument to disguise the real reason they want censorship.
The real reason "the media" want censorship is because "the media" are controlled by some extremely powerful economic monsters at the top. These people (yes there are humans controlling those humongous fortunes), these monstrously rich people also happen to gang up together as a club and realize that together, they control "the media", "big pharma", "big banking", "big military", "big construction", "big technology", and pretty much "big anything else at all". Throwing their weight around, they also control the governments.
Do you think these monstrously wealthy people want money? Put yourself in their shoes... They have ***EVERYTHING***. 500ft long yachts with multiple helipads manned by 100% supermodel-grade babes in bikinis as one of their MANY MANY toys. What, you think they want MONEY? What on earth would they do with it?
The only thing for them to have is MORE ***POWER***
The power to shut you up.
The power to put you in jail indefinitely.
The power to put you under torture and watch you bleed just for fun.
The power to depopulate the earth so that they can privately enjoy it without YOU getting in the way.
Now you will say, no, they cannot possibly be that evil. So, to you I say, "power corrupts". With the amount of power these people hold now, how corrupt can they possibly be? Yeah they are completely evil, because HAVING doesn't do it anymore. TAKING AWAY FROM OTHERS is the only thing they haven't completely achieved yet.
So they're working on that.
Yeah that's right! Stick it to the man! As long as you can have your SOPA free internet who cares if they took away your right to a fair trial on Jan. 1?! Who cares they can now use the military as a police force and hold you indefinitely without charge! We want to be prosecution free from pirating! THATS what's important.
Why do I have a defeatist attitude? Because as a whole people are stupid. They care more about material things and how the government may effect their acquisition of bling then the fact that same government ALREADY PASSED A LAW that took away their due processes. The NDAA circumvented the 6th and 4th amendment and all people talk about is SOPA. People only care when it may effect them in the immediate future. It wont be until they knock on your door to take you away for talking shit on your "SOPA free" internet will your priorities come clear.
We just got indoctrinated into a police state on January 1 and all you people care about is if youtube will be working this time next year. So yeah.......I have a defeatist attitude. People are stupid and there is nothing I can do about it.
Dude, I could not have said it better. Kudos for putting it 100% right.
I would thank you 100 times over.
I used to have that same opinion but I have been thinking about it more. 'we the people' are not unified just yet. for us to turn the tables and take back power, something ugly would replace what we have now
either way, things are getting really bad and now it has become materialized to many why all of these censorship bills are being proposed. they dont was us to have forums like this or social networks to unify in a approach to solving the problem and ultimately, taking back our freedom
I wonder why... Oh yeah, when they send soldiers in the streets and tell them to "beat up and arrest or rape or kill anyone they don't like"... Youtube will be down, due to someone "infringing copyright law". What a shame huh.
Maybe too late down there, but not up here. I believe people in the past were willing to fight for their freedom, weren't they? Did they not succeed? If enough non-Americans take up the internet fight, things can change. I'm not going to allow a foreign government to take away my rights as a citizen of the world, or my country. I'm certainly not going to allow them to dictate their laws on me. I don't live there, and for good reason. No, the fight has just begun, and it's going to get dam ugly, I guarantee it.
Dude, we are a flyspeck north of the USA. Canada already passed a bill allowing their alphabet agencies (FBI, NSA, etc.) to fully operate in this country. Fun times no? Harper can suck my turds all day.