Just out of curiosity and to save me from having to read the article or whatever, if they're paying $46M in fines, is there any indication of how much they made?
I'm asking because either they made a butt load more and won't have a problem paying the fine, or it's way more than they will ever make and therefore they're essentially judgment proof. In either event, I don't see this case being much of a deterrent. I mean the amount of jail time is laughable. As they often say in the crime dramas, 'I could do 8 months standing on my head.'
I'm asking because either they made a butt load more and won't have a problem paying the fine, or it's way more than they will ever make and therefore they're essentially judgment proof. In either event, I don't see this case being much of a deterrent. I mean the amount of jail time is laughable. As they often say in the crime dramas, 'I could do 8 months standing on my head.'