One Gig Ram MAX, only 2 usb ports
Just bought one of these -- needed to replace an ASUS that died. Hard to find documentation for this (LT4004u). There's no obvious way to open this up to get at the memory or hard drive, although the generic minimalist documentation (both print and pdf) imply you can, they just don't say how.
I chatted on line with Gateway support, who, after digging around sent me to this spec page link :
..which is for the "LT40" and says, for memory :
up to 1 gig ddr3 for Windows Starter,
and up to 2 gigs for "other operating systems"
I asked the Gateway tech guy if he could find instructions about how to open up the netbook to get to the RAM. After a long wait, he came back and said they"don't recommend you opening the machine," and if you do "you'll void the warranty
Hmmm. I said okay, but how do you open it? Many minutes later he came back with "we suggest you get a technician to do it."
If there are screws, I imagine they are hidden under the rubber legs. I'm not messing with it yet -- I'll wait for the You Tube demos.
Initial impressions -- the LT4004u, with Windows "starter" seems a bit sluggish compared to the 1.5 year-old AUSUS. Also, I'd rather have the third usb port rather than the hdmi, at least for my purposes.
If anyone has more info about Memory, like can I put in 2 gigs with Windows 7 Starter, or do I have to upgrade to Windows 7, or can't I at all, please post. And how do you do get to it.