linux is still a joke in the home user and especly the gamers markets.
and a buddy of mine had a good laugh/comment about the 16cores thing, 16-5950ultra cores

the biggest peice of crap ever made hehe
and intel could charge whatever they liked for their top cards and even if drivers sucked intel fanbois would buy, hell look how many people stuck with intel dispita how bit a pile of shit he p4/nutburst design was!!!
i have seen people on forums like this one who said they stuck with intel because intel alwase makes the highest quility products and they didnt really think the p4 was any slower then amd's offerings, they would rammble about how they thought those benches showing an axp or a64 kicking a p4EE around where faked or made using amd optimized software and that the p4 must be better because its at 3.4gz not 2.2....rofl
and as we all know, axp/a64>p4 and x2>p-d and now those same intel fans are bragging about how intels core2 at 1.8gz is faster then amd's chips at 2+gz......funny how things change ROFL
my point is that fanboi's will buy whatever their company shoves at them, hell look at the sales of the p4/p-d or fx/g80 cards, for various reasions those are bad products, the g80 mainly because it was russhed out with poor software support.
good hardware with shit software behind it is as useless as bad hardware, or in the case of the fx line, shit hardware with shit software behind it is just useless