Just in case anyone was curious, A Chiphell user reported these numbers on a retail E1 3770k on a M5G and Thermalright Archon:
In summary
* TDP is at 95 W.
* Packaging is exactly the same as Sandy Bridge.
* Thermalright Archon is used as CPU cooling.
* At 3.9 GHz, full load temperature is 62 C (1.16 V).
* At 4.6 GHz, full load temperature is 78 C (1.25 V).
* At 4.8 GHz, full load temperature is 89 C (1.4 V).
* At 5.0 GHz, 1.47 V is needed to POST. BSOD as soon as Windows is booted.
* Stable with 2400 1T RAM set up. Can POST but BSOD at 2600. Corsair CMT16GX3M4X2133C9 2 x 4GB.
* Temperature drops really fast once in idle.
* System pulls 51.79 W at idle and 116.26 W at full load (AIDA64) with stock clock speed.
* System pulls 74.12 W at idle and 146.69 W at full load (AIDA64) with 4.6 GHz.
* System pulls 86.41 W at idle and 183.77 W at full load (AIDA64) with 4.8 GHz.
Looks like 4.6-4.7ghz might be the target speed to aim for.