I was actually incredibly excited about this idea when it was first announced. To be perfectly frank, I couldn't care less about Epic or Unreal 4 technology or CliffyB, I want me a good survival game where you get to build your defenses and survive. Minecraft started good on that theme but quite frankly there isn't enough danger during the night, your enemies mostly mill about and ignore you. I want a build-your-own-fort game where the enemies are swarming toward you. I love co-op games I can enjoy with my wife, and this is looking like it should fit the bill.
Not me. It could've been nice, but it's not. Sometimes it's good when it has a good story to go with it (Fallout but not Fallout 3) but often it's nothing but pretty graphics and badly made MMOing but alone (Skyrim). When I was like 12 and GTA came out it was very fun but now I really REALLY don't see why people like the concept so much, and why so many games have to be sandboxes. Just staggering about is only fun until you realize you still exist within severe limits but they like you to think that there are no limits (every sandbox game ever). Give me a well defined confined space instead damnit. And while you're at it, learn how to write!
First, yes F3 was crap, but New Vegas was amazing. Second, you can count the number of good non-sandbox games in the last decade with a truly excellent story on two hands, and almost none of them have been released recently. Since most new games come with crap stories anyway, which would you prefer? A crap game that shoehorns you into its crap storyline full of crap, or a semi-crap storyline that lets you roam mostly free and do something that is more fun and freeing, letting you write your own stories? For me personally, I'd rather have Skyrim than about 95% of games released in the past three years. It's not quite Morrowind, but it's better than Oblivion. It only rarely breaks my immersion and it's a fun world to get lost in, which is exactly what I like: getting lost in games and finding my way about.
I use to play TF Classic all the time, and couldn't wait for TF 2.. But I don't like the new TF.. One thing I can say is that Kids will love it! but I'll pass.. Just because they never make PC exclusives.. Doesn't mean I'll take anything they just throw at us.. I'll get it for my nephew, because he loves the new TF, but I just can't see myself playing this at all....
I felt the EXACT same way when TF2 was first announced, but I wanted Portal and Ep1 so I bought the Orange Box. Since I had TF2 anyway, I gave it a try. Not a single game released before or since has taken as much of my time as TF2 has. In time I even came to prefer the graphics because it gives it a nice 50's old-timey TV feel. I honestly can't imagine playing TF2 with modern graphics, it would get tiresome and brutal before long instead of fun and amusing.