Yeah same thing lol. One of the teachers in my friend's school got fired when he tried to pull one of those "neck mp3" players off a girl. If I were the student and I wasn't getting it back... I would honestly threaten to file a lawsuit if the confiscated item was not returned (In some serious and very provocative-non crude language).
The first page of this thread is full of posters who need a re-ed in Human Rights, you guys don't even seem to have gone to school before.
Teachers in my school are not allowed to keep the items they give the item straight back to the student next lesson they have the teacher, next day OR at the end of the period. Stuff like knives will land you with a tackle-down job and a paddy wagon with handcuffs, sending you to the nearest police station.
An IPOD costs a lot of money and may be the student's pride. Losing it wouldn't be that bad compared it being confiscated and NOT returned. The student knows who took it so THUS, this IS the teacher, school and Student's fault.
Some notes to consider:
For the student to react in such a way, the teacher must have really disliked the student and the item was probably not going to be returned, the teacher could have exploited this AND taken the intellectual property (pride) as well as the Serial code. Thus the teacher would have recieved a very expensive item that IS harmless and does not pose a threat to the individuals in the classroom. How far a student progresses in school is mostly up to the student him/herself, if a teacher was to not hand the item back to the student, and if the item was with intellectual property then the teacher could be charged for theft of intellectual and physical property. This could even up the accusitions as the teacher was not injured enough to be completely crippled.
The student may win the court case and be faced with another charge; piracy, yes this is a stab in the dark, noone has thought of this. The student is in an extremely disadvantageous postition, due to the fact that the student had stolen intellectual property, thus making the studen even more likely to be sent to a detention centre/face fines/parole.
Nevertheless if the teacher left the item at home he would face the charges the student would have to face. The medium of these three crimes is described in two words: