You mean the 32ns refresh? That's not access speeds my friend, that is how often that a bit in a DRAM cell is refreshed. All DRAM needs to be refreshed since data is stored in a capacitor and needs to be replenished as caps leak when they're disconnected from active power. Other than that, I see no mention of 32ns there.
That "32ns" sounds a lot like tRFC on DDR3 chips, not access latency.
and that is exactly what latency is tho, as what happens the ram issues the data to the cpu, and after 32ns it refreshes to send the next batch,gpus are highly paralleled so they arent as affected by latency as most gpus just need a certain amount of data to render while the ram sends the next batch, while cpus are a much more random and general purpose than gpus, for example were certain calculations would be issued from the ram, but in order for the cpu to complete the process it must wait for the second batch of data for example, in such a case the cpu would wait for another 32ns, and this is a big issue with cpus now adays but i think it can be easily masked with a large enough l2 cache for the jaguar cores(I think having 8 of them means 4mb cache that can be shared meaning one core can have all 4mb if it needs to. another thing i can think of is whether all 8gb refresh all at once, or whether sony will allow for the ram to work in turns to feed the cpu/gpu more dynamicaly rather than in big chunks of data(note that bulldozer/piledriver have relatively large data pools of l3 and l2 cache to mask their higher latency, and with steamroller adding larger l1 cahce aswell that sais something, and not to mention how much l3 cache affects piledriver in trinity which is pretty slower than fx piledriver, while phenom II vs athlon II barely had any affect due to its lower latency)
18gcn clusters! Can that be right! That would mean Jaguar would get 576 which is more then a 7750, and that alone is 40w of power. Something is a miss here for me.
So 45+45+ say 45 again (cpu) is 135w+!! Something has to be a miss.
jaguar gets 576 what?
and the highest end jaguar apu with its graphics cores(128 of them?) is rated at 25watt and with much higher clockspeed than 1.6ghz(amd in their presentation said jaguar will clock 10-15 higher than what bobcat wouldve clocked at 28nm) so ur talking atleast over 2ghz.
and if llano with 400outdated radeon cores, and 4 k10.5 cores clocked atleast 1.6 before turbo, so expect jaguar to be much more efficient on a new node and power efficient architecture, say 25watt max for the cpu cores only, if not less, that leaves them with 75-100watt headroom to work with(think hd7970m rated at 100w, thats 1280gcn cores at 800mhz, this would have 1152gcn cores at 800mhz and after a year of optimization its easily at 75watt)to add up to 100-125w which is very reasonable and since its an apu u just need one proper cooler, also think of graphics cards rated at 250w only requiring one blower fan and a dual slot cooler to cool both gddr5 chips and the gpu. in other words the motherboard and the chip can be as big as a hd7970(but with 100-125w u only need something the size of hd7850 which is rated at 110w-130w) but then of course add the br drive and other goodies. main point is cooling is no problem unless multiple chips are involved requiring cooling the case in general rather than the chip itself using a graphic card style cooler
They already said that the graphics power is going to be similar to a 7870, didn't they?
more like between hd7850 and hd7970m, it seems 800mhz is the sweet spot in terms of performance/efficiency/die size considering an hd7970m with 1280gnc cores at 800mhz is at 100w versus 110w measured/130w rated on hd7850 with 1024w with 860mhz
not to mention the mobile pitcairn loses 30watts-75watts measured/rated when clocked at 800mhz(advertised tdp on desktop pitcairn is 175wat but measured at 130w according to the link i have below),6.html
here is a reference in regards to the measured tdp, because advertised tdp by amd is higher but also consider other parts on the board and allowing overclock headroom or whatever the case is