No, Ive seen these before and I think its some bloke in China who claims to have a card and benched it.
thanks for pointing out, lad
BTW, i feel that test results will be more in favor of the R9 290X at 2560X1440, that's where he belongs
AMD should make this statement for their card...TO THE EYEFINITY AND BEYOND
Jeez..those graphs look very tempting.Bummer,i don't know whom i should trust now.I need salvation...
Most of the gamers use 1080, of course they will be used for 1080. Why in hell would you think otherwise?
Have you never played beyond 60Hz on a monitor? And they barely even reach 60FPS in Crysis 3 and other games!
Most of the gamers will choose mainstream card.Why in hell would you think otherwise?
Only enthusiast and score bitching worshiper will look otherwise.
...Also the fact that in the steam survey, NVidia cards took the highest share of video cards in systems, should tell you enough about how their Q4 results will turn out...
Most of steam user consist from pre-build PC's,average joe and regular jane who bought marketing induced product.They only know three thing :
- anything cost more is better.
- any product which hordes the market is always faster.
- and the product that had commercial opening scene in a game will make your game stable.
Let me guess,Intel's Havok and nVidia old motto The Way It's Meant To be Played definitely winner here.Heck,some of my colleagues believe AMD processor and graphics doesn't do gaming.They even boasting their i3+650Ti will decimate my FX8350+CF 7970