I didn't hear the CEO say "Devil's Canyon." Core i7-4790 (non-K) is "Haswell Refresh," and very much supported on 8-series chipset motherboards. That wasn't my contention. It was "Devil's Canyon," which isn't the same product (enhanced die, different package, different on-package electricals, different TIM, etc.)
Well nvm DC for a second
, I was showing that video regarding Broadwell back in September 2013, guess he didnt know about DC yet or they didnt have any plans for it at that time.
Now in March 2014 Intel said they used DC name because next 4th gen didnt sound so good and they decided to name it DC (even had a voting contest) while its still same old Haswell underneath with yeah better thermals. They used Z97 to pair them so it wouldnt look so empty with just a new cpu.
Then someone asked will Broadwell be compatible with both z87 & z97, she repeated his question and was about to confirm it, but the stuttered and asked her team, I think she knew the answer all along, but didnt want to make a scene.
I mean why would that Intel CEO said Broadwell will work on both back in 2013 and now all the sudden not anymore..
Imo they need to sell them new z97 chipsets after all or there would be mass market overflow with sata express & m2 and they dont want that..
For current C2Q etc users its a perfect time to upgrade now, no doubt.
I was in the same boat last year still had a Q9450 for over 4years but I just couldnt wait any longer.
It would be nice if I could stick in Broadwell K, but this 4770k @ 4.7ghz looks overkill for the next 2-3years anyway
Skylake DT with DDR4 and Z100 chipset seems like a more reasonable upgrade in the distant future.