"I have nothing to hide," said the fool.
It isn't that you don't have anything to hide; it is that they don't have any right to search your property (either physical or intangible) without a justifiable reason.
Anyone not concerned over their own privacy, and the breach of it, is most stupendously ignorant of history. This is a direct attack on one's privacy; a principle that was important enough to be included as a foundational law (4th Amendment). Men fought and died over the right to protect this aspect of their lives among other things.
Furthermore, surveillance is always used in the control of a population by governments who seek to enact sinister activity. Governments will tell you that they are using their tactics to fight "terrorism", and other such nonsense, but really they are the authors of it or have direct association with many of those groups -- a fact that most people are too lazy to investigate or even care about.
Stories like these drag out a lot of ideas to consider, but unfortunately most readers just read it as a topic of the day instead of really considering consequences, context and the past in order to connect some dots.