it sems to be equal to 8800 series you will need two in crossfire, thats $1,200 to compete with $300 nvidia card. Also box clearly states "pci" not pcie 16x, although i believe that it is that. next product description lists both AVIVO & VIVO. if it where vivo it probably couln't support hdmi, which is crossfire type top end with dongle, or older solution to completely new problem, solution that has only failed in past. Whith no memory nor processor speed quoted, how 'official" can any of that data be? This might be hebriphrenic situation with body worshipping its own crap to point of doing itself great harm. it is doubtful anything of much greatness will become of it, hdmi, yes, yet eventual "it didn't work properly" is still quite likely. built in physicis, great, it does something instead of dweeb effects more like variety of events in one making it seem more plausible. o.k., yet does it add up to one 4x physics? I have never seen that good of review of that item, yet any port in storm to make this stuff display realistically. if this unit is worth 4x as much, I cann't see how.dON'T BE SURPRISED IF LATEST HARDWARE & SOFTWARE BREAKS UNDER STRAIN OF USING SO MUCH POORLY DESIGNED EQUIPMENT. aLSO THIS IS END OF LINE(K8 & K9) ENGINNEERING, SO ITS UNLIKELY IN YEAR IT WILL BE WORTH MUCH.