It's sad how vehemently people are deploring FuryX, almost as if they have to spew condemnation and have really never studied more than one review and then ran to the conclusion page.
FuryX is considered for 4K and at that it
matches the 980Ti reference vs. ref. (sure there's OC 980Ti's) They are as close/identical as possible, while being totally different as two companies should be. It's good for us that AMD isn't trying to clone the competition it nice to have some choice... And given all things it's more than a valiant effort. AMD has delivered a competitive card, and while both have pluses and minuses why does AMD have to tender a lower price and succumb to less profit? As the mantra back when some set an inordinate price said... "they're not charity".
Sure there was misstep's by executives who don't know about "loose-lips....". Though AMD
negated the whole OC'n issue in like a day or two, but no one seem to have heard about that part. Pumps whine… like is that any different than coil whine? Some surmise they could/should've thrown more ROP/SP’s at it, though have no idea whether technical challenges or developments had a basis on such considerations, if you do you might send in a resume’ for such a job.
Was it the “win” the forums and rumor mill was "drumming up" months ahead,
No though hardly ever is. Were there executives prior to launch that aren’t using/given properly vetted talking points...

Honestly executive and engineers should never speak on behave of the company unless truly tasked to do so… STFU. AMD need credible young spokesperson(s)... I envision a team of say 3; fun/hip gamer (speaker), easy talking while strong (technical), and a “Luther” (aka anger translator) that hangs back adds fun, debunks sh#t, though keeps it real. That would be the all-encompassing AMD PR front, the media face that provides both social campaigns and announcements. Either being tapped collectively in media/stage events, although more often individuals working a “measured cadence” for releasing information.
AND Lastly… just dump Richard Huddy he’s just not cutting it!