960 is 100%
380x is something like 113% of 960
Oc'ed 960 is 120%
OC'ed 380x by 14% is 128.82% of 960
Delta is 8.82%
I call IT math not a rocket science
guess i'm not the only one that caught that mad science

960 is 100%
380x is something like 113% of 960
Oc'ed 960 is 120%
OC'ed 380x by 14% is 128.82% of 960
Delta is 8.82%
I call IT math not a rocket science
Honestly I hear what your saying, but perhaps AMD doesn't have a boat load to sell. More just needing to "off" chips as Apple purchasing starts to dwindle down. I don't think these were a ever strategically meant to be used to go to war in the discrete aftermarket. It was a chip developed for Apples requirements and the Pro variant need a home so yea we got a 285. As we see it's was not a performance challenger to the 970, and more just a 280X which AMD still had inventories of that and 290's that are stronger. As those have or about run their course in the channel... now they can bring this.Maybe I'm losing objectivity, but it feels like a good card that won't find a huge market. That's a shame.
While it wasn't explicitly revealed the synopsis is Nvidia looks to have migrated most/many of the higher binned chips to be place in boards with 4Gb, while lesser binned will remain for 2Gb. Although, the ratio of 4Gb will be the bulk out there, 2Gb remain, permitting them to shore up the more aggressively OC custom that still have OC'n to offer. The 2Gb will be more pedestrian clocks, and more a lottery as to what you'll receive for OC'n.When did Nvidia say all 960s are going to be 4GB?
I think this is where the "war" will be over the next couple of weeks, and especially after Christmas either 2Gb's will via at $150 -AR.
Agreed, and why the 2Gb versions from either are appealing at $150 and below. A good purchase for those looking at 1080p.it is rare for there to be a benefit with 4GB on either card.