After a works night out I can still say, being Scottish and totally drunk, VR matters, considering its what AMD sell Radeon Duo Pro on... Not so?
VR matters down the line sure, not now, not for this gen or the next, only a few are opting in and in that recent poll on this very website almost nobody voted for it as anything they care about, 6% of the votes.
And thats still not the point, they did not say "twice the performance of a Titan X in VR", why? because that does not sell nearly as good as the claim it actually would do twice the performance of the Titan X.
Is it silly for people to even slightly believe it would be twice the performance of the TitanX? sure, I was skeptical from the start, does not change the fact that we are effectively being lied to.
And lastly, its in response to the claim Nvidia does what it promises, yeah if you take in the hidden small print, gotta read that right?