Bad MS patches are just that, don't matter if every thing is done though their shop or not.
They are going happen anyways as PC is not like Apple products and god forbid it ever being. To many combinations for MS to know about to have every patch to work for everyone which is why people want more control over the patches and not have them forced on to them.
Every thing being forced though MS shop only benefits MS, never mind having to log in and give personal data to do so. They would not be doing it for the better.
It is MS's fault to a degree, they forcing updates on people and the update will keep trying even though it keeps failing this to me is a major fail on ms's side were they should add some thing to the patches or OS to detect this so it quits trying to do some thing that keeps failing.
MS want to take your options away not give you more, they just want to police the PC without any come back on them when shit don't work right.