Its interesting that an article published in September talks about the last few months! Oh Im sure thats not what you meant, its ok, Im kidding. Great article. Thats too bad about the figures on "high res" displays, another fad I guess.
Some dipshit somewhere pulls a number out of their ass, which is exactly what the (Dr. Evil voice

billion dollar headline is, and VR is considered a failure? So, zero chance the person who pulled that number out their ass might have simply been an idiot?
The range on the
predictions for iPhone unit sales across a 1 year period varies to the magnitude of tens of millions, and thats on a product thats been selling for nearly a decade now, and yet some are giving credence to someone predicting on a
completely unknown market! Its just analysts pulling numbers out their ass.
It wasnt so long ago you would have been laughed at for saying every home will have a PC, or the internet was going to take off, or that said internet was going to be accessible from tiny devices that even self professed technophobes would come to not want to part with for a day, or cars would become autonomous.
I never thought VR was going to explode onto the scene. Seemed like common sense, I mean, how many can afford it? Have the space for it? Have a PC that can run it? Would be happy to sit through the early adopters phase of little compelling content? It is a small market, for now. But every aspect that is wanting is being improved upon. You must be either closed minded or officially over-the-hill if the thought of a light weight visor that
could completely replace your desktop monitor is either impossible or unlikely. The only question is, how long til it gets here. And if you think Ive watched 1 too many sci-fi movies, read the previous paragraph again (or for the first time if you are a tl;dr skimmer).