We all know that windows 7 is rock stable and dependable, in order for these new tech to function to full potential, all we need are drivers then. Since the platform is still very viable, that fact being very evident with over 48% market share, AMD should have made drivers for it. They are the smaller company coming from behind trying to catch-up with Chipzilla and they are forsaking almost half the world market to do it? Far from being what maybe considered a smart decision. And for people who seem to think the difference in GUI makes all the difference, FYI pros look at operating systems from the point of view of registry, security permissions, and group policies. When you refer to windows 7 as an old decrepit OS, please be informed that it is 95% way to similar to windows 10. And it leads windows 10 in 4 categories real enthusiasts should really worry about. Full- control computing in windows 7 and blind faith in windows 10(no control over updates means what you could turn off could be overturned by the next update. You cant even turn off Defender lol cuz it will always run again...later whatever lol), security(in windows 7 you can actually choose who you want to provide it for you), privacy (with windows 7 you can deactivate telemetry and not worry about auto updates in windows 10 turning them back on), and, ofcourse, system monitoring(no enthusiast operates his computer in blissful ignorance and windows 7 can be configured to monitor temps fan rpm ram and vram consumption cpu throttle) And if you are wondering how monitoring might help, think overclocking or think bitcoin miner malware. You detect these things easily with proper monitoring. Windows 7 is a great product of MS that AMD should have been supported with drivers.