The unpatchable ASIC-level backdoors are in the chipset gents, not the PSP.
I know. However, there is a flaw in the Intel ME, and all they can really do is disable it... but just how secure is that disabling, and can you re-enable it? This is part of the problem with "bugs" such as this. An attacker with local access to the machine can do a tonne of damage, of course, and if you want true security, that should not be possible. You know this particular ME issue revolves around using default passwords such as just "admin" for this access? Not many people even know about Intel's AMT.
since its seemly the theme of the week I am gonna take a complete flying guess here and say whatever this supposed 'hardware exploit' is its probably some kind of service or programing flag/interface for the oem modern chipsets have TONS of undocumented registers and such that the OEM uses todo various things in the chipsets manufacturing/programing process. hell
some arm chips have a 'magic' set of registers that if you set grants unrestricted access to all of the SOC's memory, or force it to boot in a different mode for service
This is basically exactly what is the case with these back doors. The reason I mentioned Intel's ME is because Intel patched it recently because of this functionality, and AMD patched their PSP recently as well (like in 2018). However, because these are SOFTWARE patches, as you say, and these software patches are supposed to limit the hardware's abilities in order to secure the system, that software can be compromised again. These are hardware features purposely built into these chips that have made our PCs vulnerable. The whole idea that you need to give an OEM 30 or 90 days before public disclosure when finding such a big, to me, is ludicrous. Why, so they can bury the issue? Doesn't matter whether it's Intel, AMD, or whoever in whatever industry...
People's reaction to most of this has been the most amazing thing to me. I'm just gonna take a step back here and turn around, and walk away. Enjoy your conversation, folks.