While I find the focus on CTS distasteful, the rhetoric and accusations against TPU are something that should have been dealt with a long time ago. TPU has had militants rally against it for a while now (usually in AMD/Nvidia threads) and the constant "TPU is a shill" cry has gone unpunished, until now. If you invite someone into your house and they shit on your carpet - you really ought to kick them out before they've pulled their trousers up.
As for further coverage of CTS labs technical pieces, it should be noted that the majority of TPU members (from what I've seen) are not
that tech savvy. This is not my site (nor do I own one) but as Anandtech and others have done, a fair reflection on the merits of CTS background funding and PR roadshow wouldn't go amiss. There is one thing that will be proven in time and that is a very viable path for discrediting this exploit expose:
CTS says it's not fixable
CTS gives AMD 24 hours notice that they have found said exploit.
AMD says a firmware patch will fix it and they are working on it.
If patch fixes problem, and it does so within 90 days (standard industry timescale for exploit announcement)...
There would be no issue at all. This is the crux of it all - by not giving due time as is normally allowed, CTS have used unfair media leverage to make AMD look bad. If AMD do patch this (apparently unfixable issue) it makes CTS look like opportunistic little scum bags. This exploit would be history before it was even news but CTS intentionally released the exploit reveal with as little time as possible for AMD to make them look crap.
Therefore, all the PR the tech sites are allowing CTS 'airtime' is actually helping them look better when we're not giving AMD time to work on it as Google gave Intel (and AMD) when Spectre/Meltdown were discovered.
So, even those doing this

at those saying there is no flaw, of course there's a flaw but it could have been dealt with 'properly' and had it been done so (been fixed by AMD), we would not have had all this hyperbolic forum activity.
Is there an exploit? YES. Did CTS stitch AMD up? YES. TPU has not sufficiently asked why that is, that is why there is a great resentment in the forums.
Then again, in 'x' weeks time, if AMD hasn't fixed it, then we can get all pissy again.....