But that's the exact sort of people who demanded from devs of Agony to "tone it down" because someone's feefees were hurt when they've seen a giant demon with boobs how it eviscerated someone in all the gory glory. Sorry, but if that offends you or you can't deal with it, then don't play it. And if you think your kid shouldn't play such stuff, then moderate your own kid, not entire god damn market. It's absurd.
You gotta be careful with stereotypes about the "PC Mania" crowd man...
I believe if anything, we don't have enough political correctness in our present age (especially in public spaces). I'm probably one of those people you'd get upset about, frankly.
But even I acknowledge blatant censorship and I see no need for that here. And I'm not alone. Most of my social group feels this way.
You have to be careful just listening to the noisy ones, I think.
That said, we are straying from the topic and more into general politics, which in and of itself is bad.