Ooooo I had a feeling we were about due! I'm really curious to see what they'll come up with this time around. Skyrim was such a game-changer it will be hard to top. But maybe they don't need to pull that off again. I'll take something that's quite a lot like Skyrim only with improved graphics, a more developed system of choices/consequences (rather than the illusion of them,) better engine, better balancing, and so on. I kind of almost hope they don't reinvent ES too much with this one. Skyrim is *almost* an excellent game. I feel like with some modding, it actually is a fantastic game. One of the best and certainly one of my all-time favorites.
I guess I'd just really like to see Bethesda take the assets this series already has and really bring them up to their full potential. There's so much they could have done with the last game that they either didn't get around to, botched, or miscalculated on. Imagine Skyrim, but a total refresh with a new world, new story, expanded lore, and none of the issues that Skyrim had. That's all I ask for with this one. Should be a lot easier to do than reinventing the wheel a second time, which is what I think a lot of people are unrealistically anticipating. I sure hope they don't do that. I don't think that would go well.
The thing is... doesn't need to have the impact that Skyrim had. It just needs to stay true to the spirit of what they accomplished with that game to get the same acclaim. IMHO.
My last girlfriend got me into Skyrim. She'd been trying to get me to play it for a couple months. One day she sat me in front of the PS3, handed me the controller and said "I really enjoyed our relationship. You've been so good to me. Good luck with your new life." and left me in the room with it for a day.
In most relationships this would've been a mistake, but I think she did it because she wanted to play more WoW. Needless to say, we had a good time just sitting almost silently next to eachother and staring at screens for hours on end. If anything, it improved our relationship. We had an unspoken understanding. It was great. There are also other benefits to spending a lot of time in the bedroom together in pajamas and or underwear, heh. I'm telling you, it was like a dream come true. Nothing beats not having to leave the house for anything but work/food, living in your pajamas, having ready access to video games AND the *ahem* benefits of a good relationship

I consider myself very lucky. I'd do it all over again if I could find another one like that. Problem is she's probably stuck in her room somewhere :/