I have to say... the series is just mind-blowing fun-wise. I finally bought an Xbox lately (One S) and I rushed a bit because Forza 2 was in August's Games with Gold. I think I'll pass the more "pickup-themed" Forza 3, but this new one is a sure purchase next year.
Not really. Consoles have a different graphic pipeline. It's more low-level, more direct and optimized for the particular hardware. CPU does less video-related things.
Exactly what I used to think few years ago. But today? Totally opposite. If only one gaming platform could survive, it would have to be consoles.
You don't have to use an Xbox the traditional way (with a TV and a pad). You can put it on your desk, connect to an LCD and play with a mouse/keyboard. You get all of console advantages without going to far from the PC interface you're used to.
Sure, PCs are years ahead in image quality, but you know why is it like that? It's because PC gaming exists.

Currently leading Xbox One X costs $500 and good luck matching it's performance with a similarly priced PC. If people stopped gaming on PCs, we would most likely get a $1000 console with 1080Ti-ish performance.