At this point wiz should just start to review boothbabes (or lacking them, random women users can submit photos of) again and be done with it. And when the SJW commies complain he should fail to see the point and start to review dicks as well.
What I've learned so far:
- Poor people deserve it.
- Socialism is like the flat earth movement.
- Sweden has ghettos.
- Women are genetically worse in tech than men, except for Lisa Su.
- Disagreement is cancerous (on both "sides").
Fun read.
I grew up poor, extremely so, a lot of my family is still poor as are whole communities like them. I have been homeless, gone hungry, no money at all. Hell I got divorced, moved two states away from everyone I knew as a single full time father of two kids.
How and why am I more successful now? I must have screwed someone. Or maybe I stopped worrying about buying stupid shit like new electronic gadgets constantly, cut out unnecessary things like cable, made better choices. But I probably just fucked over poor people......cause reasons.
Socialisim has never worked anywhere in it's pure form, people are corrupt. A mix of ideology containing socialisim is probably the best we will ever do at government anywhere, but it needs a foundation of free market, speech, ideas, and capitalism.
Sweden has an immigrant problem, and their success in keeping service workers, emergency workers, and others from working as they would elsewhere, be it from knife attacks, homemade explosives, rocks, or the threat of sexual assault. It's a ghetto compared to the other beautiful and peaceful areas. It's caused by a lack of integration, the US suffers the same fate with Mexican immigration, the people come here, good and some bad, and recreate what they fought to escape by not integrating.
Women are not men's equal, when they are clearly different and superior at so many other things than men. In the Nordic countries where equality is at it's highest men and women still choose vastly different jobs as groups. Sure some men become nurses, some women are firefighters, but the majority choose jobs they want and it happens to fall in line with cultural norms, almost like that normalicy was there due to something other than inequalities.
I stand for anyone's right to disagree, up to the point that it infringes upon the rights of another.
We are and should be free to do, say, think, what and how we like to the point it causes or calls for direct physical harm to another person, regardless of harm it may cause ourselves, every inch of law that overrides this is a crime against everyone.