messed up thing is, im the one that sent AMD a Design (redesign) diagram of their 4 Core CCX,, basically taking both CCxs and telling them to make it an 8 core per CCX design.. i even had it done in paint, i just cut and pasted the core complexes together the way i thought it should have been in the 1st place??? i should eve still have the images if i didn't delete them, i sent it on there facebook page also, so the image should still be there??
and i did this several months ago so prob not but i did paint a zen CCX redesign and sent it to them, i REALLy hope they use my design.... so i can take some credit....
i really wish AMD could make a tech that takes say... an 8core/16 thread cpu and splits the cores like this... 2 pairs of 4 cores as being two cores but, all 8 cores and 16 threads are splitting and sharing data with one another, so that the games and apps that only use mostly single threaded performance can be like ok 1 core but its 4 total logicals acting as one in single thread and multi-thread uses all 8/16 as like a dual core but like games that support only up to a quad core would see it as a dual or quad but still utilize all the cores/threads 8 or 16 cores (not threads) 8 core would run in 2x 4core/8t and all the cores would add to the performance exponentially so to speak,
idk just an idea.. that is what i wanna see, since most games arnt using 8+ cores yet if any at all... not this bullshit "Dynamic local mode crap" for threadripper 16+ core CPUs... amd dynamic local mode
plus this idea would also work with GPUS so that multiple die or MCM GPUs can also do the same thing, so that 2+ or in pars of 2 say 2 or 4 or 6 die gpus could work as one wether over Infinity fabric or xGMI or whatever maybe the case!!!!
AMDs GPUs NEED MORE ROPS, 64 now just isnt enough anymore... like in Fiji or VEGA... they need 128+ and 384 TMUs 8196 Shaders and (not official-- 4096 RTRT&RTPT Cores) when ever this even happens if it does??? (-RTRT-, real time ray tracing/-RTPT- real time path tracing etc..)