It seems to me that the "irdeto managers" are more lost in the topic of Protection since their "star product denuvo" requires an extra protection with VMPROTECT to avoid being deciphered, when it is "assumed" that denuvo was the indecipherable protection
It's like you sell a system of protection for your house or vehicle and apart you have to acquire a system that protects the protection system to avoid being violated ..... It is something STUPID from any point of view
The "protection denuvo" was violated from its beginnings by the group 3DM and later by groups like Steampunks, Codex and Conspiracy, each "version" after the initial one, that is not another thing that "variants with triggers" has fallen one after another
Currently the groups crackers take their time to launch a crack is not for the protection denuvo, but because most games are cut in content and apart from the day of release come with problems and its developers take months to solve these problems. This is the real delay for which the crackers groups currently do not release a crack in a few days from the debut of the game.
Even so little value companies to their customers who are those who pay for their product (the games), who do not mind ballasting them with double protection, making the use of the CPU rise to 100%, luckily so far has not been received reports of PC whose processors are burned, but at the step that they go they do not have to delay the complaints by damaging the experience the game with useless protections to the players of payment.
It really does not make sense to maintain a protection that requires in turn another that protects it hahahahahahah is ridiculous. Denuvo is Dead since its conception.
Not to mention the low quality of the games, the systematic clipping of content and, above all, how poorly optimized they are, not to mention the number of bugs. For examples Fallout 76 a game that the day of the release must download 50gb as update patch and charge for that garbage?