Who said Nvidia MADE raytracing for gamers? Did someone say Nvidia made raytracing? Nvidia have STARTED IMPLEMENTING raytracing and it's definitely not great, the idea behind it is, I believe the intentions were good. Not to mention they may actually make it perform decent with upcoming drivers.
I don't know anyone personally that wants to game at 720p 30hz period. AMD always has something do with with Nvidia since they both make GPU, we need AMD and Nvidia in order to create a competitive market for us consumers, it's just not really competitive right now.
Ha, you can say Nvidia has painted themselves into a corner but the corner they painted themselves into happen to be a corner that's 75% of the whole area.
Awesome, that's a pro that doesn't get mentioned at all. First time I'm hearing about how powerful the 2080ti can be.
How many prototypes do you have laying around that work right off the bat? How many of your prototypes do you have that are perfect right out of the build house? That's the point and others have made the point as well, you and others have to get it through your heads, we have to start somewhere.
Attempting to actually run raytracing right now is just silly, there's a lot of work that needs to be done. Had Nvidia mentioned it and advertised it better it would be interesting to see how it all panned out BUT they tried to sell people on the 'feature', that's where they went wrong and people that bought into it are super salty I guess.
"you need to start from somewhere"- Well that's just ridiculous! We all deserve the best right now and we don't expect any further advancements in this 'new' technology and 'feature'. /sarcasm
Unfortunately a lot of people just don't understand how things are made. You would think people would be a lot more understanding with all the revisions hardware goes through and especially on a tech forum but....nope!
People like to believe that Nvidia are both the devil that they hate and are doing poorly with their sales. Sure they're not the most consumer friendly company and care more about the dollars they make BUT that hasn't slowed down sales of these failed cards and technology.
The majority of consumers that they're selling these cards(2080ti) to probably don't give a damn about what we say here on techpowerup or any other forum. They probably have lots of disposable income and buy a couple of cards. They might not even know how to enable raytracing in the one game or application that they can.